Sunday, May 23, 2010

If I were A Soccer Ball..?

The worst nightmare I could ever dream of is being a soccer ball. I mean, being kicked in the head woulden't be a dream come true or anything like that. You would have a horrible, terrible, painful headache all the time. Therefore you'd have to take maybe 7 asprins! My buldgie black and white sphere head would be in the way all of the time!! Being a soccer ball would be awfully painful!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Horrible Hit

Ouch... That must have hurt...
I would absolutly hate to be this guy.
You know... have a smashed face and all.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Just a Pic

Soccer rocks!!!!

Last Game

The toasty, sizzling sun burns my face. I can dreadfully feel a bead of water drip down my forehead. Five more minutes until soccer season was completely over. The score was 4-4 and it was almost over. I could imagine the spiky grass pointing through my feet, though I had cleats on. I sprinted down the field as if I were in a race. I had the ball now. It was my time. The goalie stood ten feet ahead of me. I could do this . . . no sweat. I thought the ball would burst into pieces because I shot it so hard. It hit the end of that silver pole and bounced directly into the goal box. The goalie was lying on the floor. I made it! We won the game!!